Organic-Green olive oil Print


alt4. Extra virgin olive oil to o.3

 The fruit is harvested from private groves with 1,000 trees of Avra olive oil, in Avra village of Meteora.
These trees have been grown organically for
the past ten years.
   Organic-green olive oil produced from unripe (green) Koroneïki olives, which are collected from the trees by hand, pressed in our mill in two-phases, without adding any water at all stages of production.
Rough pressure, cold pressed to 20 c.
It is even richer in vitamins C and E, omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 fat, oleuropein and other antioxidants.
All these give olive oil even higher nutritional value.
It has a rich, strong smell and a characteristic fruity, spicy and bitter taste.
The amount of this olive oil which is produced annually and is available in the market is limited and numbered.
It is grown exclusively in traditional ways, without using chemical pesticides or fertilizers.
This product is certified for organic farming by ‘Bio Hellas’, the Greek Organization for Organic Products Certification.



  Glass Dorica   500ml  
